Forskellige observationer af depilering og epilering:

De følgende iagttagelser har til formål at give en bedre forståelse af egenskaberne og forskellene mellem nogle typiske professionelle hårfjerningsmetoder, der anvendes til depilering og / eller epilering. Alle observationer blev udført på den samme person, og med den samme bruger / kosmetolog.

I observationerne indgik et udvalg af de følgende typiske professionelle depilering & epilerings-produkter fra det tyske marked anno 2011:

1. Varmvoks med strips - depilering mod hårvækstretningen (Stripwax) 
2. Sukker / Melasse voks med strips - depilering mod hårvækstretningen (Sugarwax)
3. Standard (brun) sukker pasta uden strips - Depilering i hårvækstretningen (standard sukkermasse)
4. Lav viskositet hvidt sukker pasta uden strips - Epilering i hårvækstretningen (hvid sukker pasta)

Observationer af hudens udseende efter depilering og epilering:

Comparative observations were done on the skins reaction after depilation against the hair growth direction versus epilation in the hair growth direction with white sugar paste.

Skin appearance immediately after
depilation with stripwax
Skin appearance immediately after epilation
with white sugar paste

The observations demonstrates the skin friendly epilation with the white sugar paste*. This is especially due to the following positive properties of the white sugar paste:
The only ingredients are sugar & water with a high tolerance even for sensitive skin. The sugar paste is used by normal body temperature increasing comfort and minimizing stress of the skin surface. The sugar paste primarily adheres to the hair itself and not to the healthy skin, which allows for the sugar paste to be used at the same skin area several times without stressing the skin surface too much. In addition the sugar paste is able to remove dead and dry skin cells similar to a soft skin peeling usually leading to an improvement in skin condition and appearance!
* By professional expert-usage

Oberservations on degree of root-deep epilation with or without hair breakage:
Comparative observations demonstrationg the various degrees of root-deep epilation of hairs from different methods for depilation and/or epilation. 
Oberservations done on chest on man:
Molasses-/Sugarwax Standard sugar paste White sugar paste

The observations demonstrates the actual root-deep epilation of hairs with the white and low-viscosity sugar paste*. The other hair removal products demonstrated a prevalent depilation of hairs with a reduced amount of intact hair roots, thus providing less relevant open and hair free follicles for the proteolytic enzymes. The white sugar paste shows different to the other observations an epilation with more intact hair roots in their anagen phase, thus providing optimum conditions for the following application of the proteolytic enzymes.

This is above all due to the following properties of the white sugar paste:
When applied to the skin the sugar paste sinks/flows - due to its special inner viscosity - by itself into the hair follicle thereby adhering to the hair relatively deep inside the follicle.  This special property enables the root deep epilation of very short hairs as well as the epilation of the hairs in their natural direction of growth. In most cases this leads to an effective and root-deep epilation (even of very short hairs) with reduced sensation of pain for the customer as well as a minimum of hairs braking off inside the hair follicle!

* By professional expert-usage